20. SOLO TIME: Permission to Pause


I'm trying something different this week.

A mini, solo episode, unscripted, unedited...more like a short, intimate conversation just between you and me. Some of the private, in-the-moment thoughts I feel called to share.

This first one is about taking a sacred pause. It's my permission slip for you, right now, to take a break. Because we get to do that ya know?

Amid all that life throws at us, invites us into, lobs our way...we still get to slow down and take a deep breath. To take it all in. To look around and see what's actually happening. To wonder if we are where we want to be. And to celebrate what is going really Well. Yes, we get to do that too.

I hope you enjoy. I'd love to know what you think and what your pause looks like.

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21. Now IS The Time to be Full of Ourselves with Nada Jones


19. Hot Flashes and Cool Topics with Colleen Rosenblum and Bridgett Garrett